Thursday, March 27, 2014

I would like to say Hi and a special thanks to my friends, and loyal followers in Germany. And Peanut sends his thanks also. I recommend you all try that new brownie recipe. You will be very
happy you did. Thank you again. Sandra Fraasch Golden (Yes, I am German also)

Monday, March 24, 2014

And to celebrate this wonderful season I have added my
favorite BBQ rub to the Unity Family Cook Book. And after years of searching I have found the perfect brownie
recipe and would love to share it with everyone. I have
also asked added to the QUIZ page the next ten question
from the Hidden World, Past, Present and Future quiz book,
and two new pictures from our trip to the Grand Cayman Island.
To find out everything about my Hidden World you can now
just click on to the page "Everything Hidden World" where
you can now find the videos, synopsis, and everything else
concerning the series all in one place. Also read my thoughts
about my recent road trip to Nashville Tennessee when I got stuck in a construction zone for almost half a hour. Writers are always writing even when traveling at 4 miles a hour for 30 miles.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Look at my quotes page to read my quote on KARMA.
And discover a new recipe that will make your spring picnics, and parties the talk of your friends and family. Also some new trivia questions have been added to my quiz page, can you answer them?  And finally check out our travel page. Hopefully soon that page will be filled with pictures from book signing.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Everyone, I have added some exciting news about Hidden World on the News page of the site. Also, I have added some words of wisdom on my quotes page, and discover who this cute little guy is on the Peanut and Friends page. Finally, to feed your appetites I have added a new recipe that can be used in many ways to make many creative meals that will warm your bellies on these long winter nights. This recipe is one of William Unity's favorites because he likes to eat it cold for a midnight snack.