Thursday, February 5, 2015



In my years of writing my series, HIDDEN WORLD, and trying to get it out in the world I have learned many things. The first is that even if you have a story that will set the world spinning around you it is hard to convince publishers and agents that you have something that is very marketable. Thank you Gilbert Literary Agency for taking me on and having faith in my work. I learned that because of the availability of Authors now having the tools at their fingers to publish their own e books and take their careers in their own hands that traditional publishers, both small and large have to be more selective about what projects they feel worthy of their time. I understand. It took me five years to get my wonderful agent. I've have read a few e books, some good, some bad. The good one's I can't understand why traditional publishers turned them away, and the bad one's, well that was obvious, yet they still made some money from their work. (Which every artist, performer, writer, and creative heart deserves to do even if their work wasn't their best). You would think that when a Author with such a creative mind, a huge heart, and fighting determination come's along with something that could make the world of reading an exciting possibility for everyone from 5 to 105 like never before they would notice. I'm still waiting for Publishers to get out from behind their desk and see what is happening out in the world. J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series was huge, the vampire series was huge and got young people reading, but that was a few years ago now. Everything that has come out has only had marginal success, but nothing like those two series. There are no new ideas, even Hollywood has ran out of material making remakes, or adding on to stories that had success in the past. Kids have put down the books, and the young people who I have spent time with tell me that there was nothing new that got their interest. I spent 400 dollars and printed out the first book of the Hidden World Series for 50 young teens, and just let them read it, then return the copy to me. The age of the kids were from 10 to 19 and everyone of them fully enjoyed the story and were excited to see where it would go. I even got their suggestions on where the story should head. I self published the first of the series for a few months on WATTPAD and GOODREADS and the reviews were heart warming and made my spirit rise. Since then I now have 5 installments of the series written, and still no Publisher. But I haven't lost hope, and I am determine as ever, and I have faith that my agent will find a publishing home soon. And I am positive that the story would something that Hollywood might be interested in also. But I will continue to write, and read to anyone who will listen to my story because I know that what I have created, the world I have created, is a special place, and that soon the world will know of my HIDDEN WORLD and will want to join me as the adventures continues for the Unity Family.