Dear World,
I have decided that the only way to get
myself noticed in the publishing world is to do something a little unorthidox,
a bit shocking, but also a whole lot of fun!
I'm calling out the publishing world.
The way I see it, because with the introduction of E-books,
tablets, and all the different ways you can now read books, and the fact that now
Authors can actually publish their work without having an Agent or a traditional
publishers, Agents, publishers, and brick and morter books stores are being
phased out, because they are simply not needed any longer. Authors like myself
are turned down every single day by Agents and Publishers simply because
instead of judging the story we have to tell, they judge us by our Query
letters. For those who are not in this industury a Query letter is a very short
letter that introduces your story to Agents and Publishers. These people read
just one or two chapters before tossing our hard work into the reject pile.
This isn't fair! This isn't just! This isn't even logical! Some very good
stories are just tossed aside and rejected just because they don't interest
THAT reader. They don't ask themselves if the story would be of interest to the
readers outside of their office. Or if the story is of commercial value
(something that you think would be important to them), NO! They don't.
Well, I am rebelling against them. I am
tired of the scams out there that prey on writers only wanting their money and
waisting writers time. I'm tired of the Publishers and Agents who try to break
the spirt of inspiring writers, causing them to give up their dream, and even
worse, to become so disillusioned they stop writing altogether. And, I am tired
of trying to figure out what Publishers and Agents want. We are loosing great
writers, and great stories!
Well, I am not going to let them break my
spirt. I am not going to let them make me give up on my dream. I'm not going to
let them tell me my story isn't good enough! Because I know it is. I tried of
doing it their way. I'm not going to them anymore and taking their abuse. Now,
I'm going to make them come to me! So, I published my series Hidden World
myself. I gave up on them, I didn't give up on me. I believe no one should ever
give up on a dream. And don't ever give up on yours no matter what it is.
Dreams are important!
My dream is to write and that is just what
I did, and I would love to share it with the world. My story is the Hidden
World series which is a science fiction, action adventure, story filled will
mysteries, fun, family, danger, secrets, and revelations that will thrill you
and make you think about the world around you. The two teenage hero's J.R and
Helaina are unique in every way, and so is their family. They have to keep
unimaginably shocking secrets, master their new super hero like skills, and
build a mysterious, but powerful machine. A machine that will help them fight
mother nature, dangerous and unpredictable enemies, and take them on
extraordinary journeys of adventure, and help them stop Earths demise.
Aren't you tired of Hollywood and the
constant stream of remakes because they can't find anything orignal? Are you
tired of having stories about Vampires and Zombies take over our minds? How
about something different that won't give our children nightmeres? How about a
story you would love to share with your kids? A story that will let them think
about our world in new ways? The Hidden World Series is that story! The links
to find my story are below.
Now lets have some fun with all those
dream killers out there. The Publishers and the Agents who are locked in
offices all around the world and want you, the public, to read only what they
think you should read. Let's rebell together! I want everyone who reads this on
Facebook, Twitter, or on my blogg, to retweet, reblog, resend this to everyone
they know. Let's rebel! Let's get their attention. Give Authors, like myself a
voice. Let them know you want to read something that is new, fresh and
entertaining. That we want our children to read stories again. We want stories
that will make this new generation of computer, tablet, and phone users, to
become excited about picking up books again.
I would apprieciate it if you would take a
look at my series and let your children, teens, and even yourself enjoy my
tale. But more than that, I want to show the world there is more than one way
to make dreams come true. You just have to be determined, and creative, and not
let anyone stop you.
Sincerely yours,
Author Sandra Golden